unbiased critical region of type A A型不偏临界域
unbiased critical region of type B B型不偏临界域
section c-c c-c 剖面
best unbiased critical region 最佳不偏弃却域
unbiased critical region 无偏临界区域; 不偏临界域
Influenza A(H1N1) influenza critical type of secondary infection 危重型甲型H1N1流感
the value of critical of standard penetration hamm 标准贯入锤击数临界值
height of region of pipe cooling 冷却区高度
region of-type ZθR-型区域
the old towns of region of rivers and lakes in the south lower reaches of Yangtze River 江南古镇
type C region C型区域
BOF Beginning C Of C File 文件开始位置
C of C 商会
C-type of train tipping machine C型翻车机
GBOF General Bill C of C Forms 通用帐表
RLOS Radio Line C Of C Sight 无线电的视线
TOF Top C Of C File 文件头标记符; 文件头
transformation of type of seepage boundary 边界类型转变
VPOS Virtual Point C of C Sale 虚拟销售点系统